Out of Service military aircraft in Europe
(Compiled by Wolverhampton Aviation Group)
This site is designed to list the locations in Europe of military aircraft which are no longer in active service. We aim to provide details of their locations and status, as well as the odd picture.

This is not designed to compete with European Military Out of Service, a publication which is wholeheartedly recommended. EMOOS, with the latest edition published in 2024, is available to purchase from the Scramble Shop.
This site ONLY lists aircraft with a military history. This site does not detail c/ns or aircraft histories. This site includes aircraft which are still flying, even though not in their original service capacity. This site contains a massive selection of photographs, currently featuring over 20,000 aircraft. This site is updated on a very frequent and regular basis.
If you are able to assist us with any further updated information, you are welcome to get in touch with us by using our anonymous feedback form.
Abbreviations used in the above pages are explained on the Abbreviations Page.
Credits to the various sources, organisations, and individuals are on the Credits Page.
All images are © www.eurodemobbed.org.uk unless otherwise stated
No images or information on this site may be reproduced without the express permissions of the the authors